
How to make white space in your creative life

Feed Your Creativity With White Space

Sufficient white space in our lives is essential not only to our wellbeing but to our work too. As a creative person, your mind is likely to be pulled in a million different directions, and we tend to surrender to the idea because of a skewed belief that the messier the mind, the more creative. While there is some truth to creative minds being somewhat “messy”, this doesn’t mean an overly busy brain is good for your creativity. Quite the opposite.

That Time I Fell Into Minimalism

Minimalist Chair

I used to do the whole corporate thing. You know, the thing you think you should be doing. The thing that destroys your soul a little bit more every day. The thing that makes you swap your Converse and torn jeans for pencil skirts and heels. The thing that makes you count the days until your next holiday and until your next paycheque. The thing that makes you question whether you’ll ever be happy as a grown up.

In Praise of Messy Minimalism

In Praise of Creativity & Messy Minimalism

I’m not a typical minimalist. I’m a messy kind of minimalist. I’m a recovering perfectionist who likes to create stuff and doesn’t need “another metric for perfection”. Creativity is raw, messy and requires to get your hands dirty. So I believe in adopting a minimalist mindset infused with life and imperfections.