Don’t let self-doubt ruin your creative life.

You got enough family members and judgy friends doing that already.

And that really matters because I wholeheartedly believe you can drive meaningful change in the world and spark all sorts of magical things around you through your art.

Certified CREATIVE coach, musician, DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHER, lover of all forms of arts, tea connoisseur, and loud car singer.


ehind every successful artist or creative is an unwavering cheerleader who knows her way around the arts, understands a thing or two about navigating self-doubt as a creative human and likes to sing loudly in her car.

Yes, you guessed right, that someone is me. And I’d love to support you, like I supported many artists and creatives before you.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I'd love to support you befriend your self-doubt and feel braver in both your life and creative practice - so you can stop procrastinating, and finally bring your creative goals to life.

Bonjour, I’m Marie, three-times award-nominated creative coach and self-doubt whisperer.

With two international coaching certifications (UK and Australia), 3 decades of experience in the arts and a Master’s Degree in literary translation, I have helped my clients find their true creative purpose, sell out exhibitions, and feel way more confident sharing their work.

I am a musician, lover of art and words, and a loud car singer. I’m a big thinker and even bigger feeler (HSPs unite!) who needs loads of alone time to recharge but love to be in the company of like-minded souls.

Also, I'm French if you were wondering about the accent.



I believe we are inherently creative beings regardless of whether we call ourselves artists, and that pursuing our creative urges is essential to our wellbeing.

I believe we all have the capacity to drive meaningful change in the world around us through art, creativity, critical thinking and compassion.

I want artists and creatives to get the recognition they deserve.

And above all, I want artists and creatives to fall in love with every part of them (cause if you saw what I see? You'd fall in love with you too!)



I want to support as many people through their self-doubt as possible, as I have experienced first hand how life changing this work is at all levels: self, relationships, work, creativity, community.

This is why I made a conscious decision to make my coaching accessible to more people, regardless of income levels or individual circumstances.

I recognise that we all have different brains, bodies and therefore unique needs. You experience as a unique and inherently worthy human will always come first.



I wholeheartedly celebrate diversity, strive to cultivate an inclusive environment across all aspects of my work and services, and try and do my part in the pursuit of a fairer, more equitable world. While I may not always get it right, putting people's needs and perspectives first will always be a priority.

I want to support my clients create and do business in a way that feels nourishing, safe and aligned to their values.

I want to lead a life where nervous system regulation is the new measure of success and support my clients in that exploration too.



you'll probably find me



Playing music or dancing in the kitchen


With my boys, Louis & Gaspard




My nose in a book, always



drinking copious amounts of tea


Taking way too many photos.


adventuring with my south african husband tim

I'm also A FAMILY photographer with a special interest in capturing unconventional and differently wired families

Coaching with moi.

I'm passionate about creating a space where you can explore your creativity to your heart’s content, dare to take risks, unearth unexplored resources, try new things, challenge your thought tendencies and habits while finding clarity and focused, creative flow in the process.


s a musician and artist, I know first hand what it’s like to have an urge to create and express yourself, whatever form it might take. I also know how crippling self-doubt can be, which is why I’m on a mission to help you understand where yours comes from and how it manifests, so you can bring your best work to life, joyfully and unapologetically.

My coaching expertise is also informed by my experience in the marketing and advertising industries, and my utter passion for and 3 decades of experience in the arts.

In my coach training, I have learned a proven self-doubt methodology, which has equipped me with powerful tools, deep knowledge and evidence-based approaches to be able to support you at the highest level, through your self-doubt.

sounds good?


If we were to meet in real life, you’d probably find me bare foot, sitting on the floor, sipping on a cup of Mariage Frères Marco Polo tea (my all time favourite and never ever with milk!), my three- legged cat by my side. There’d be essential oils burning, an indie playlist in the background and conversation for days!

As most of the friends I have collected over the years now live all around the world, I like to keep in touch over virtual tea dates. I find this is also the best way for prospective clients to ask me any burning questions and chat about what they're hoping to get out of coaching. 

If you'd like to book your no obligation, complimentary chat of 30 min, simply contact me and I'll be in touch to arrange a date and time. We'll connect via Zoom on the day to get to know one another and dive into your hopes and dreams (croissants not included).

My sons however would prefer it if I were a ninja.

Real life, in the form of a substantial student loan and the 2008 financial crisis caught up with me, which led me to join the corporate world, in Dubai first, and South Africa next, where I worked in marketing and advertising. During that time, I desperately tried to fit in a mould that was never designed for me. Music and creativity started to fade away without me even noticing.

2008 — 2013

Anyway, not only did these few years abroad get me speaking English fluently, that's also where I found a South African boyfriend, now turned husband. Score.

In my early twenties, I developed a case of seriously itchy feet, so I hopped across the Channel with my cello on my back to explore living in the UK, Germany and Ireland. Other than music, literature and art were my other loves, so I studied English literature, history of art and translation at University College London, La Sorbonne Nouvelle and Dublin City University, where I got a Master's degree in literary translation.

That was before I admitted to myself I wanted to write books, not translate them.


Growing up, I always felt like an outsider but I found that the arts gave me a playground in which I could truly be myself. I trained at the French Conservatoire in music theory and cello; I played in various orchestras in different countries; made an appearance or two on TV; co-wrote and recorded an album with a post-rock band… To this day I love nothing more than performing on stage.

the 90's - early 00's

I sat at a piano with my mom since before I can remember. Ok maybe not then, but soon after.

Yes, this is the short version.


sometime in the 80's


Then this happened...

Just before giving birth to our first son Louis, I decided to quit my job and start my own graphic design & marketing consultancy business, which I ran successfully for two years on too much caffeine and too little sleep (not recommended).


Life introduced another plot twist when in 2017 Tim's job led us to relocate to Zambia, where I went through a bit of an existential crisis after a difficult relocation, going through a miscarriage and feeling the first symptoms of an autoimmune condition yet to be diagnosed. I felt completely disconnected from myself, my body, my purpose and my creativity, which led me to question everything.

That's when I found coaching, and my calling. In 2018, I started training with ICF accredited Beautiful You Coaching Academy,



Oops I did it again!

Little Gaspard came to join our family in the middle of a global pandemic as we were getting an autism / ADHD diagnosis for Louis, so I decided to do some more coach training. Naturally. I joined Sas Petherick's Self-Belief Coaching Academy.

Coaching was a profoundly transformative experience helping me come home to myself in a way I had never experienced before. And just like that, I started writing, painting, playing music again, and fulfilling my lifelong dream of singing.

I knew I wanted to pay it forward. I just had to help other artists and creatives believe in their talent and manifest their true potential. 

Now I pinch myself everyday that I get to do this for a living.


If you’re curious about coaching with me and what might be possible for you, you can book a no-obligation, complimentary call of 30 min, where you can ask me any burning questions you might have and discuss what you’re hoping to get out of coaching.
Warning: I have very strong feelings about how I drink my tea...

but first