
Episode 2: Radical honesty with Lucy Lucraft

A Voice of One's Own Pocast Episode 2 - Lucy Lucraft

Lucy Lucraft has been known around the internet for sharing her unapologetic views on business and blogging, motherhood, veganism, zero waste, and social justice. She is a freelance journalist, a blogger and podcaster who shares ethical conscious content for bloggers keen to make blogging their job. She creates courses and consults for bloggers and small […]

Episode 1: The Healing Power of Your Voice

Marie Kenny Coaching

This podcast has been months in the making. I could give you a mile long list (which would be strange since I speak in kilometres) of all the reasons why this project took a back seat. But if I’m honest, what was really getting in my way was fear. The fear of not getting this […]

Food for Throat | On nourishing your body

My disease timidly pointed at my throat, the home of my voice, hinting that perhaps, unexpressed feelings, thoughts and creativity are not benign after all.

Here comes the Sun

Hands holding plant

It’s been a while since I finished writing a blog post. My secret stack of unfinished articles has been growing steadily and it seems that I’ve done a great job at making sure none of them will ever see the light of day.

It’s oh, so quiet: a week of reading deprivation

Marie Kenny - Reading Deprivation

Can you go for an entire week without any reading or media of any kind? This is something that I resisted at first, and I would hazard a guess and say not many of us would look forward to these days. But I was surprised to find this was a wonderfully restoring experience. Here’s what’s came out of it.

Why you Should Get Lost to Find your Way

Robberg Beach, South Africa

What if the key to finding your way was to allow yourself to get lost? In a world where we’re obsessed with certainty, it is more than healthy to take the scenic road and go off path to explore what feels right, and what doesn’t.